Sunday, January 2, 2011

Book Review:

What to Eat: Marion Nestle

I have to admit, after reading this book, Marion Nestle quickly became one of my role models, and definitely one of my Top 5 favorite food industry figures. I initially read "What to Eat" at the recommendation of a good friend, on the basis that I like food and nutrition, which is exactly what Mrs. Nestle writes about. It took me a few nights of bedtime reading to really get into this particular book, but I soon found myself completely enamored, reading during my morning coffee, free time and lunch breaks.

I respect her ability to look at issues within the food industry as both a professional and a consumer (a talent also recognized by the New York Times, natch). I also love her style of writing. Not since Harold McGee have I seen an author be able to so clearly explain an issue/topic, so that an interested bystander is able to enjoy and understand, just as clearly as a professional might, without losing anyones attention in the interim.

Mrs. Nestle encroaches upon numerous topics within this 524 page guide to conscientious eating. Addressing issues from the ever prevalent HFCS and trans fats to seemingly newer topics of irradiation and genetic modification. (I say "seemingly newer" as I feel these issues have yet to have their time in the American spot light, in due time, I suppose.)

If you have ever wondered how to navigate the grocery store, or how to decipher those nutritional claims on food packages, this is THE book to read. Each topic is explained, analyzed and argued, not just from the point of view of a food industry advocate, but also a budget minded mother, making it an approachable guide to be used by all. I guarantee, no matter what your previous views on a topic might be, you will find yourself agreeing with Mrs. Nestle by the end of each section. Sure, maybe now you couldn't care less that the fish at your seafood counter was farmed in Scotland but I guarantee that by the end of "What to Eat" it will be one of the many issues you are ready to write to your Congressional representative about.

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